The PD1 Preamp board is out for fabrication. This version has connectors for two filter/eq boards, and moves the potentiometers off of the boards, making installation and control layout more flexible. There are three "normal" ways to use the preamp, configured with jumpers:
As a standalone buffer/mixer without coloring the natural tone of the pickups, and very low noise.
With one filter/eq board on the mixed pickup signal. This is similar to a traditional preamp with tone controls.
With two filter/eq boards, one for each pickup. The tone is adjusted separately for each pickup (before mixing), allowing sounds that can't be achieved with a single outboard amp or stomp boxes.
Other combinations are possible, such as two filters on one pickup, but I don't know how useful they will be! It is also possible to connect third party tone control modules in per-pickup or mixed positions if desired.
